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Volunteer with GRIP

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers play an essential role in supporting the social justice work we do at the GRIP Training Institute.

If you are interested in volunteering – bringing mindfulness and service together – please fill out a VOLUNTEER APPLICATION, which lists the range of volunteer possibilities we have.

GRIP Trainee Facilitator
If you are interested in becoming a facilitator – please fill out an APPLICATION.


“As I wove this honor cord, I slipped one loop of ribbon into the next, taking care to keep an even hold with the other hand. It reminds me of the steady focus required to walk the noble path of peace. We train our attention, coming back to mindfulness again and again – ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times. Now a grandmother, I’ve been at it many decades. I see how walking this path has stabilized and enriched my life and my relationships. I envision each loop of ribbon steadily building the persistence to begin again each time you falter (as we all do) – ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times. With this honor cord, I celebrate with you, the completion of a full year’s commitment to learning and practicing the path of peace. We walk it together. “ ~ Grandma Chris